VCA: Appointment of the new members.

RE: Appointment of the new members.
On Saturday, April 27, 2024, the Executive Committee received an email from Mr. Nathan Nguyen, Vice President external affairs, saying that he is currently working longer hours and he would like to take interim leave for at least three months to fulfill his work commitments.
To reassign responsibilities during Mr. Nathan Nguyen ‘s absence, the Executive Committee held a meeting on Monday, May 6, 2024, at the Vietnamese Community Office and we agreed to appoint Ms. Trần Nghiêm Lệ to be acting Vice President external affairs until Mr. Nathan Nguyen to return to his duties and responsibilities.
The Executive Committee also would like to inform you of the decision to appoint new sub – committee members as follows:
- Mr Trần Quốc Việt accepts the role of Deputy Head of Community Centre (Đền Thờ Quốc Tổ) Sub – Committee.
- Ms. Nguyễn Kim accepts the role of Secretary of Community Centre (Đền Thờ Quốc Tổ) Sub – Committee.
- Ms. Thủy Tiên Ngọc Phùng accepts the role of Head of Social Services Sub – Committee.
These appointments take effect from 9/5/2024.
Also, the Executive Committee received the resignation of Mr. Hoang Chinh Dan, Deputy Head of Fundraising Sub Committee, due to health reasons. And on 2/2/2024, we received the resignation letter of Mr. Tran Duc Dung, Secretary of the Constitution Amendment Committee, due to personal reasons.
For the Executive Committee,
Duy Quang Nguyen