Friday, March 14, 2025

Nhân Quyền

The Vietnamese Newspaper

VIC LOCATIONS: Early voting in Voice referendum from 2/10

With the date announced for the 2023 Voice referendum, here is everything you need to know about how to vote, where, and what happens if you don’t.

Referendum date:

October 14.

What is a referendum?

A referendum is a nationwide vote to change the Australian Constitution. For a referendum to pass, a national majority of voters, as well as a majority of voters in a majority of the states (at least four states) must vote ‘yes’ to the change.

What is this referendum about?

The Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum is a vote on whether we want an alteration to the Constitution that establishes an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

What is the question?

A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration? Yes or no.

Where can you vote?

You can vote at any polling place on voting day. Like the Victorian election last year, polling places will be set up at local schools, churches and community halls, or public buildings. The locations of these polling places will be available on the AEC website. Polling places open between 8am and 6pm.

Will the referendum polling booths look like state or federal election polling booths?

Pretty much, yes. There will be polling booths, placards and likely democracy sausages on offer, but as there is just one question that requires a yes or no answer, it will be much faster.

Where can I vote early?

Postal voting, early voting and mobile polling will also be available for the referendum. Early voting opens in Victoria on October 2. You can find your nearest early polling station here.

Can I be fined if I fail to vote in the referendum?

Yes. Voting is compulsory for Australian citizens aged 18 years or older. If you do not vote and don’t have a valid and sufficient reason, you may be fined. The AEC will write to you at the address listed on the electoral roll and ask you to provide a reason why you did not vote. It is at the discretion of the AEC’s Divisional Returning Officer (DRO) for each electorate to determine whether you have provided a valid and sufficient reason for not voting. The DRO will consider the merits of your individual case and take into account any specific circumstances at the polling places within their division in making a determination.

Pre-polling centre locations in VICTORIA from October 2

ElectorateLocalityPremise NameAddressPostcode
AstonBORONIABoronia Community Church of Christ59 Boronia Rd3155
AstonROWVILLEEastern District Polish Association – Rowville1325 Stud Rd3178
AstonSCORESBYSt Jude’s Parish Centre51 George St3179
BallaratWENDOUREEBallarat Showgroundscnr Howitt St & Creswick Rd3355
BallaratSEBASTOPOLBallarat South Community Hub11 Tuppen Dr3356
BendigoBENDIGODymocks Bendigo Bank CentralShops 13-153550
BendigoBENDIGOBendigo Anglican Cathedral Hall (St Pauls)8 Myers St3550
BendigoCASTLEMAINECastlemaine Catholic Church Hall (St Mary’s)70 Hargraves St3450
BendigoEAGLEHAWKEaglehawk Primary School Hall88-94 High St3556
BruceBERWICKAkoonah Park Centre2 Cardinia St3806
BruceCRANBOURNE NORTHMerinda Park Learning and Community Centre141-147 Endeavour Dr3977
BruceDANDENONG NORTHDandenong Stadium270 Stud Rd3175
BruceLYNBROOKLynbrook Centre5 Raylee Pl3975
BruceMULGRAVEMackie Road Neighbourhood House36 – 42 Mackie Rd3170
BruceNOBLE PARKMoodemere Scout HallNoble Park Reserve3174
BruceROWVILLEEastern District Polish Association – Rowville1325 Stud Rd3178
CalwellCRAIGIEBURNCraigieburn Central340 Craigieburn Rd3064
CalwellEPPINGMelbourne Polytechnic Epping Campuscnr Cooper St & Dalton Rd3076
CalwellESSENDONSt John’s Uniting Churchcnr Mount Alexander Rd & Buckley St3040
CalwellAVONDALE HEIGHTS1st Milleara Scout Hall1B Doyle St3034
CalwellNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
CalwellBRUNSWICKBrunswick Masonic Centre6 Davies Street3056
CalwellBROADMEADOWSHume Global Learning Centre1093 Pascoe Vale Rd3047
CaseyBERWICKAkoonah Park Centre2 Cardinia St3806
CaseyBORONIABoronia Community Church of Christ59 Boronia Rd3155
CaseyCHIRNSIDE PARKChirnside Park Community Hub33 Kimberley Dr3116
CaseyCROYDONCroydon Pentecostal Church6-18 Lincoln Rd3136
CaseyHEALESVILLEDarron Honey Centre286 Maroondah Hwy3777
CaseyLILYDALESt Patrick’s Parish Community Centre40 Jones St3140
CaseyRINGWOODOld Maroondah Council Offices304 A Maroondah Hwy3134
CaseyROWVILLEEastern District Polish Association – Rowville1325 Stud Rd3178
ChisholmBOX HILLBox Hill Salvation Army1010 Whitehorse Rd3128
ChisholmNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
ChisholmASHWOODAshwood Community Hall21 A Electra Ave3147
ChisholmMULGRAVEMackie Road Neighbourhood House36 – 42 Mackie Rd3170
ChisholmOAKLEIGHMasonic Hall150 Drummond St3166
CooperABBOTSFORDAbbotsford Convent1 St Heliers St3067
CooperEPPINGMelbourne Polytechnic Epping Campuscnr Cooper St & Dalton Rd3076
CooperGREENSBOROUGHGreensborough Masonic Hall23 Ester St3088
CooperHEIDELBERGScots Church Community Centre187 Burgundy St3084
CooperNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
CooperMILL PARKMacedonian Orthodox Church St Petka281-285 Plenty Rd3082
CooperTHORNBURYSalvation Army Hall704-710 High St3071
CooperPRESTONBridge Darebin – Preston220 High St3072
CorangamiteNORTH GEELONGGeelong Table Tennis Centre84-88 Church St3215
CorangamiteCLIFTON SPRINGSCentral Baptist Church Clifton Springs45-51 Central Rd3222
CorangamiteCORIOCroatian Community Centre of Geelong172 Cox Rd3214
CorangamiteOCEAN GROVEShell Road Pavilion50 Shell Rd3226
CorangamiteTORQUAYWurdi Baierr Stadium30 Wadawurrung Way3228
CorioNORTH GEELONGGeelong Table Tennis Centre84-88 Church St3215
CorioCORIOCroatian Community Centre of Geelong172 Cox Rd3214
CorioLARALara Community Centre9-11 Waverley Rd3212
CorioTORQUAYWurdi Baierr Stadium30 Wadawurrung Way3228
DeakinBORONIABoronia Community Church of Christ59 Boronia Rd3155
DeakinBOX HILLBox Hill Salvation Army1010 Whitehorse Rd3128
DeakinCROYDONCroydon Pentecostal Church6-18 Lincoln Rd3136
DeakinLILYDALESt Patrick’s Parish Community Centre40 Jones St3140
DeakinNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
DeakinASHWOODAshwood Community Hall21 A Electra Ave3147
DeakinRINGWOODOld Maroondah Council Offices304 A Maroondah Hwy3134
DeakinSCORESBYSt Jude’s Parish Centre51 George St3179
DunkleyCARRUM DOWNSSalvation Army Carrum Downs1265 Frankston-Dandenong Rd3201
DunkleyCRANBOURNE NORTHMerinda Park Learning and Community Centre141-147 Endeavour Dr3977
DunkleyFRANKSTONShop 4 37-43 Playne StShop 43199
DunkleyMORNINGTONShop 3 784 EsplanadeShop 33931
FlindersFRANKSTONShop 4 37-43 Playne StShop 43199
FlindersHASTINGSShop 10 106 High StShop 103915
FlindersMORNINGTONShop 3 784 EsplanadeShop 33931
FlindersROSEBUDRosebud Sea Scouts HallRosebud Foreshore3939
FraserBURNSIDE HEIGHTS1st Caroline Springs Scout Centre115 Tenterfield Dr3023
FraserMAIDSTONEOur Lady’s Parish Hall17 Lyons St3012
FraserNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
FraserST ALBANSGrow Church95 Alfrieda St3021
FraserSUNSHINE1st Sunshine Scout Hall23 Nixon St3020
GellibrandMAIDSTONEOur Lady’s Parish Hall17 Lyons St3012
GellibrandHOPPERS CROSSING1st Hoppers Crossing Scout Hall133 Powell Drive3029
GellibrandNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
GellibrandNEWPORT2nd Newport Scout Hall6 Market St3015
GellibrandPOINT COOKStockland Point Cook Town CentreMurnong Street3030
GellibrandTRUGANINAMainview Boulevard Family Learning Centre49 Mainview Bvd3029
GellibrandWERRIBEEMasonic Hall223 Watton St3030
GippslandBAIRNSDALE24 Service St3875
GippslandLAKES ENTRANCE541 Esplanade3909
GippslandMORWELL34 Princes Drive3840
GippslandBEMM RIVERBemm River Community Recreation Centre12 Roberts Rd3889
GippslandBENDOCBendoc Hall26 Dowling St3888
GippslandCANN RIVERCann River Public Hall24 Tamboon Rd3890
GippslandTOORLOO ARMLake Tyers Aboriginal Trust485 Rules Rd3909
GippslandSALE250 York St3850
GippslandTRARALGON EASTTraralgon Racecourse66-110 McNairn Rd3844
GoldsteinBRIGHTONSt Stephen’s Church Hall111 North Rd3186
GoldsteinHAMPTONHampton Holy Trinity Church10 Thomas St3188
GoldsteinMALVERNSt George’s Anglican Church296 Glenferrie Rd3144
GoldsteinNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
GoldsteinCHELTENHAMBayside Church99-101 Argus St3192
GoldsteinOAKLEIGHMasonic Hall150 Drummond St3166
GortonBURNSIDE HEIGHTS1st Caroline Springs Scout Centre115 Tenterfield Dr3023
GortonESSENDONSt John’s Uniting Churchcnr Mount Alexander Rd & Buckley St3040
GortonNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
GortonCOBBLEBANKWestern BACE222 Ferris Rd3338
GortonST ALBANSGrow Church95 Alfrieda St3021
GortonSUNSHINE1st Sunshine Scout Hall23 Nixon St3020
GortonTRUGANINAMainview Boulevard Family Learning Centre49 Mainview Bvd3029
HawkeBACCHUS MARSHBacchus Marsh RSL203 Main Street3340
HawkeBURNSIDE HEIGHTS1st Caroline Springs Scout Centre115 Tenterfield Dr3023
HawkeCOBBLEBANKWestern BACE222 Ferris Rd3338
HawkeST ALBANSGrow Church95 Alfrieda St3021
HawkeSUNBURYSunbury Scout Hall8-10 Miller St3429
HigginsASHBURTON1st Ashburton Scout Hall337 High St3147
HigginsCAMBERWELLChambly Hall405 Camberwell Rd3124
HigginsMALVERNSt George’s Anglican Church296 Glenferrie Rd3144
HigginsNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
HigginsOAKLEIGHMasonic Hall150 Drummond St3166
HigginsPORT MELBOURNEPort Melbourne Town Hall333 Bay St3207
HoltBERWICKAkoonah Park Centre2 Cardinia St3806
HoltCARRUM DOWNSSalvation Army Carrum Downs1265 Frankston-Dandenong Rd3201
HoltCRANBOURNE NORTHMerinda Park Learning and Community Centre141-147 Endeavour Dr3977
HoltDANDENONG NORTHDandenong Stadium270 Stud Rd3175
HoltLYNBROOKLynbrook Centre5 Raylee Pl3975
HothamDANDENONG NORTHDandenong Stadium270 Stud Rd3175
HothamNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
HothamCHELTENHAMBayside Church99-101 Argus St3192
HothamASHWOODAshwood Community Hall21 A Electra Ave3147
HothamMULGRAVEMackie Road Neighbourhood House36 – 42 Mackie Rd3170
HothamNOBLE PARKMoodemere Scout HallNoble Park Reserve3174
HothamOAKLEIGHMasonic Hall150 Drummond St3166
IndiALBURYWool Stores567 Smollett St2640
IndiBENALLAMasonic Lodge Hall28-30 Benalla St3672
IndiBRIGHTBright Masonic Hall15-17 Hawthorn Lane3741
IndiMANSFIELDCWA Hall24 High St3722
IndiSEYMOURMasonic Lodge25 Anzac Ave3660
IndiWANGARATTASt Patrick’s HallTara Court3677
IndiWANGARATTA36-40 Murphy St3677
IndiWODONGA82 High St3690
IndiWODONGA37-39 Stanley St3690
IsaacsCARRUM DOWNSSalvation Army Carrum Downs1265 Frankston-Dandenong Rd3201
IsaacsDANDENONG NORTHDandenong Stadium270 Stud Rd3175
IsaacsFRANKSTONShop 4 37-43 Playne StShop 43199
IsaacsHAMPTONHampton Holy Trinity Church10 Thomas St3188
IsaacsNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
IsaacsCHELTENHAMBayside Church99-101 Argus St3192
IsaacsMORDIALLOC4th Mordialloc Sea Scouts Hall24 Park St3195
IsaacsNOBLE PARKMoodemere Scout HallNoble Park Reserve3174
JagajagaDONCASTER EASTDoncaster Rovers Soccer Club117 Andersons Creek Rd3109
JagajagaGREENSBOROUGHGreensborough Masonic Hall23 Ester St3088
JagajagaHEIDELBERGScots Church Community Centre187 Burgundy St3084
JagajagaNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
JagajagaMILL PARKMacedonian Orthodox Church St Petka281-285 Plenty Rd3082
JagajagaPRESTONBridge Darebin – Preston220 High St3072
KooyongABBOTSFORDAbbotsford Convent1 St Heliers St3067
KooyongBOX HILLBox Hill Salvation Army1010 Whitehorse Rd3128
KooyongCAMBERWELLChambly Hall405 Camberwell Rd3124
KooyongHEIDELBERGScots Church Community Centre187 Burgundy St3084
KooyongMALVERNSt George’s Anglican Church296 Glenferrie Rd3144
KooyongNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
LalorHOPPERS CROSSING1st Hoppers Crossing Scout Hall133 Powell Drive3029
LalorWYNDHAM VALE1st Iramoo Scout Hall66 Honour Ave3024
LalorNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
LalorPOINT COOKStockland Point Cook Town CentreMurnong Street3030
LalorTRUGANINAMainview Boulevard Family Learning Centre49 Mainview Bvd3029
LalorWERRIBEEMasonic Hall223 Watton St3030
La TrobeBERWICKAkoonah Park Centre2 Cardinia St3806
La TrobeCRANBOURNE NORTHMerinda Park Learning and Community Centre141-147 Endeavour Dr3977
La TrobePAKENHAMPakenham Uniting Church Hall47 James St3810
La TrobePAKENHAMPakenham Secondary College1020 Princes Hwy3810
La TrobeWARRAGULSt Paul’s Old Year 9 Centre57 Sutton St3820
McEwenCRAIGIEBURNCraigieburn Central340 Craigieburn Rd3064
McEwenEPPINGMelbourne Polytechnic Epping Campuscnr Cooper St & Dalton Rd3076
McEwenGREENSBOROUGHGreensborough Masonic Hall23 Ester St3088
McEwenMILL PARKMacedonian Orthodox Church St Petka281-285 Plenty Rd3082
McEwenSEYMOURMasonic Lodge25 Anzac Ave3660
McEwenSUNBURYSunbury Scout Hall8-10 Miller St3429
McEwenWANDONGWandong Public Hall19 Rail St3758
MacnamaraASHBURTON1st Ashburton Scout Hall337 High St3147
MacnamaraBRIGHTONSt Stephen’s Church Hall111 North Rd3186
MacnamaraMALVERNSt George’s Anglican Church296 Glenferrie Rd3144
MacnamaraNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
MacnamaraPORT MELBOURNEPort Melbourne Town Hall333 Bay St3207
MalleeBENDIGODymocks Bendigo Bank CentralShops 13-153550
MalleeHORSHAMAnglican Church Hall10 Andrew St3400
MalleeMARYBOROUGHTren Du Bourg Hall3 Neill St3465
MalleeMILDURA30-32 Deakin Ave3500
MalleeMILDURAMildura Senior Citizens Clubcnr Tenth St & Langtree Ave3500
MalleeSTAWELLNorth Park Community Sports CentreNorth Park Reserve3380
MalleeSWAN HILLStradbroke Hallcnr Stradbroke Ave & Rutherford St3585
MaribyrnongESSENDONSt John’s Uniting Churchcnr Mount Alexander Rd & Buckley St3040
MaribyrnongMAIDSTONEOur Lady’s Parish Hall17 Lyons St3012
MaribyrnongAVONDALE HEIGHTS1st Milleara Scout Hall1B Doyle St3034
MaribyrnongNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
MaribyrnongMOONEE PONDSAscot Vale Uniting Church60-64 Maribyrnong Rd3039
MaribyrnongBRUNSWICKBrunswick Masonic Centre6 Davies Street3056
MelbourneABBOTSFORDAbbotsford Convent1 St Heliers St3067
MelbourneASHBURTON1st Ashburton Scout Hall337 High St3147
MelbourneCAMBERWELLChambly Hall405 Camberwell Rd3124
MelbourneMAIDSTONEOur Lady’s Parish Hall17 Lyons St3012
MelbourneNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
MelbourneMOONEE PONDSAscot Vale Uniting Church60-64 Maribyrnong Rd3039
MelbourneTHORNBURYSalvation Army Hall704-710 High St3071
MenziesBOX HILLBox Hill Salvation Army1010 Whitehorse Rd3128
MenziesDONCASTER EASTDoncaster Rovers Soccer Club117 Andersons Creek Rd3109
MenziesHEIDELBERGScots Church Community Centre187 Burgundy St3084
MenziesNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
MenziesRINGWOODOld Maroondah Council Offices304 A Maroondah Hwy3134
MenziesTEMPLESTOWE LOWERSt Mark’s Anglican Churchcnr High St & Dellfield Dr3107
MonashCOWESSt Phillips Anglican Church Hall102-110 Thompson Ave3922
MonashMOESt Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Hall34 Fowler St3825
MonashMORWELL34 Princes Drive3840
MonashPAKENHAMPakenham Uniting Church Hall47 James St3810
MonashWARRAGULSt Paul’s Old Year 9 Centre57 Sutton St3820
MonashWONTHAGGIWonthaggi Senior Citizens Centre46-50 Murray St3995
NichollsCOBRAMCobram Soccer Club (Apex Reserve)Doug Robinson Dr3644
NichollsECHUCASt Mary’s Parish Centre Echuca222-230 Anstruther St3564
NichollsKYABRAMYouth Club Hall7 Unwin St3620
NichollsSEYMOURMasonic Lodge25 Anzac Ave3660
NichollsSHEPPARTON1B Joseph Baldwin Pl3630
NichollsSHEPPARTON126-128 High St3630
NichollsYARRAWONGA161 Belmore St3730
ScullinEPPINGMelbourne Polytechnic Epping Campuscnr Cooper St & Dalton Rd3076
ScullinGREENSBOROUGHGreensborough Masonic Hall23 Ester St3088
ScullinNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
ScullinMILL PARKMacedonian Orthodox Church St Petka281-285 Plenty Rd3082
ScullinPRESTONBridge Darebin – Preston220 High St3072
WannonARARATHoly Spirit Centre304 Barkly St3377
WannonWENDOUREEBallarat Showgroundscnr Howitt St & Creswick Rd3355
WannonNORTH GEELONGGeelong Table Tennis Centre84-88 Church St3215
WannonCOLAC3rd 4th Colac Scout GroupScout Halls3250
WannonHAMILTONHamilton Senior Citizens Centre100 Lonsdale St3300
WannonPORTLANDLegacy Lodge60 Wellington Rd3305
WannonTORQUAYWurdi Baierr Stadium30 Wadawurrung Way3228
WannonWARRNAMBOOL131-145 Fairy St3280
WannonWARRNAMBOOLWarrnambool Primary School3-13 Jamieson St3280
WillsABBOTSFORDAbbotsford Convent1 St Heliers St3067
WillsESSENDONSt John’s Uniting Churchcnr Mount Alexander Rd & Buckley St3040
WillsNORTH MELBOURNEPanarcadian Association570 Victoria Street3051
WillsMOONEE PONDSAscot Vale Uniting Church60-64 Maribyrnong Rd3039
WillsTHORNBURYSalvation Army Hall704-710 High St3071
WillsBRUNSWICKBrunswick Masonic Centre6 Davies Street3056
WillsBROADMEADOWSHume Global Learning Centre1093 Pascoe Vale Rd3047