Services Australia is connecting you to My Aged Care services
Services Australia’s Customer Service Officers and Aged Care Specialist Officers can help you find out about My Aged Care services. It’s free to use these face-to-face services.
Staff in all Services Australia service centres can help you with general information about My Aged Care services.
They can help you use the My Aged Care website or refer you to the My Aged Care contact centre for additional support. They can also connect you with an Aged Care Specialist Officer if there is one in your area.

Aged Care Specialist Officers
In some service centres you can get extra help with your aged care questions. Aged Care Specialist Officers can help you by:
- giving information on the different types of aged care services
- checking if you can get government-funded services and getting you an assessment
- providing financial information about aged care services
- helping you appoint a representative for My Aged Care
- connecting you with local support services.
To find out if there is an Aged Care Specialist Officer near you:
- ask at your local Services Australia service centre, or
- call 131 202.
If you need to find information about government-funded aged care services you can:
- go to
- call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422*
- visit any Services Australia service centre.
You can ask for an interpreter and we will arrange one for free when you call or visit Services Australia.