Open community meeting to report activities and future projects.

RE: Open community meeting to report activities and future projects.
Melbourne, 21rd May 2024
Dear Community members,
The Executive Committee would like to invite you to attend the open community meeting so that we have the opportunity to report past activities and important projects to be implemented in the near future.
Time: Saturday 01/06/2024
Time: 2 pm to 5 pm
At: the Vietnamese Community Centre – 90 Knight Ave North Sunshine
1. Ms. Nguyen Kim Huong: reporting the financial situation, focuses on the 2024 Tet Festival;
2. Lawyer Nguyen Tan Hai: vision for 2025 Tet Festival “Vietnamese Community 1975-2025: 50 Years Resettlement, 50 Years Freedom”;
3. Mr. Nguyễn Hiệp: SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of the Vietnamese Community;
4. Ms. Cúc Nguyễn: Fundraising for New Footscray Hospital;
5. Mr. Nguyễn Duy Nhạc: VCA-VIC constitution amendment committee’s report ; and
6. Question, answer and comment on the topics reported above.
This is a very important meeting to set the direction for our Community forwards the coming time, so we hope you will attend and provide us with your inputs.
Best regards,
For the VCA Executive Committee,
Duy Quang Nguyen