Thursday, January 23, 2025

Nhân Quyền

The Vietnamese Newspaper

Doctors want you to do the free bowel screening test

A simple test can help you live a long and healthy life

Doctors are encouraging Victorians from the Vietnamese community who are aged 50 to 74 to screen for bowel cancer and save lives.

There may be no signs or symptoms and you may feel healthy, but you could have bowel cancer.

However, over 90% of bowel cancers can be effectively treated if found early.

Victorian doctor Dr Nguyet Thai says people in the Vietnamese community who are aged 50 to 74 need to participate in bowel screening to reduce their risk of cancer.

“Bowel screening is really important for your health. We want everyone who gets the free test in the mail to do it straight away. No matter if you feel healthy, this test can save your life”, said Dr Nguyet Thai.

“If you’re aged 50 to 74, you must do the free bowel screening test that comes in the mail and continue to live a fulfilling life”, said Dr Nguyet Thai.

Dr Nguyet Thai.

Cancer Council Victoria is launching a new campaign to remind Victorians from Vietnamese communities that they could be at risk of bowel cancer following declines in testing.

The free bowel screening test can save lives, but more Vietnamese Victorians need to participate, with data showing declines in participation.

In Victoria, only 43.9% of Victorians who received their bowel screening test complete the test.

Cancer Council Victoria estimates that Victorians who speak Vietnamese could screen at a lower rate because they may not be aware of their risk of bowel cancer, or because they have no symptoms and don’t think they need to do the test.

Head of Screening, Early Detection and Immunisation, Kate Broun says that everyone aged 50 to 74, including those from Vietnamese communities, need to do the bowel screening test.

“You may have no signs or symptoms and feel healthy, but you could still have bowel cancer and this screening test can save your life”.

“We know some people may not be aware of their risk of bowel cancer, but sadly anyone can be diagnosed with this disease regardless of where you come from or your family history”, Ms Broun said.

In Australia, the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program sends out a free test in the mail every two years, for adults aged 50-74.

The test is quick, clean and easy, and doing it could save your life. For more information on bowel screening visit this website.